We created the Bloom fund because we wanted to help Australians make a tangible and positive climate impact with their money. By using a unique methodology anchored in Climate Science, we’ve been able to create a portfolio that only invests in scientifically-proven climate solutions. 100% climate impact, no greenwashing!
As of January 2023, we have made 53 investments and we’ve been able to cover 50+ different climate solutions
Distributed energy Storage
What is it?
Standalone batteries and electric vehicles store energy. They can enable 24/7 electricity supply even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.
What's the impact?
Distributed energy storage is an essential supporting technology for many solutions. Net zero buildings, grid flexibility, and rooftop solar all depend on or are amplified by the use of energy storage systems, which facilitate uptake of renewable energy and avert the expansion of coal, oil, and gas electricity generation.
Some companies in our fund that target this solution
Pilbara Minerals
Vulcan Energy
Distributed Solar Photovoltaics (DSP)
What is it?
Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels are made of silicon crystals which produce an electrical circuit as photons hit them, knocking electrons loose. Small scale PV panels are typically found on rooftops. PVs require no fuel and produce clean energy.
What's the impact?
Project Drawdown’s analysis assumes that distributed solar photovoltaics can grow from 180 terawatt-hours of current electricity generation globally to a wide range of 6235–10100 terawatt-hours by 2050. DSP could avoid 27–69 gigatons of greenhouse gases emissions
Some companies in our fund that target this solution
Aussie Broadband
What is it?
Recycle supports a circular economy and reduces waste. It also ensures producers no longer need to rely on the logging of trees to continue their processes, reducing the amount of CO2 emitted.
What's the impact?
Paper can be reprocessed roughly five to seven times before fibres are no longer viable. Assuming the percentage of recycled paper being used rises to 69–74 percent by 2050, Project Drawdown estimates that recycling paper can contribute 1.10–1.95 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions reductions over the next 30 years.
Some companies in our fund that target this solution
Sims Limited
You can view the full list of 50+ impact categories by downloading the app
Our portfolio invests across a range of asset classes, including a range of clean energy projects that are making a true climate impact every day. Below is just a snapshot of some of the projects you’ll find in our fund.
Kilter Rural - Murray-Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund
Investor Manager:
Kilter Rural
Target Returns:
Founded in:
9% - 12% p.a. before tax and management costs, over a holding period of at least 10 years.*
*Returns are net of investment fees and taxes. The benchmark is calculated by applying the asset allocation over the designated benchmark for the Investment Option. These returns are not a projection. Actual returns may differ and can be positive or negative. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
Investing in water with Kilter Rural
The Murray Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund invests in water entitlements in the southern Murray-Darling Basin to achieve the multiple objectives of securing water for agricultural use, aiming for a financial return and restoring threatened wetlands. Financial returns are generated through the leasing of water entitlements, the trade of water allocations and through the long-term appreciation of the Fund’s portfolio of water entitlements.
Carrs, Cappitts and Bunberoo (CCB) Wetland
The Impact
Restored over 350 hectares of diverse wetlands in southwest NSW. Helping create a stronghold for the endangered Southern Bell Frog, they also reintroduced the previously extinct Murray Hardyhead fish
Helped restore and manage the Carrs, Cappitts and Bunberro wetlands, which are home to Aboriginal artefacts, scar trees and 17 culturally significant plant species
Donated over 10GL of environmental water to 30 wetlands across Victoria and New South Wales (NSW) since 2015
Forecast to donate 5.4GL of water which aims to support 21 high-value wetlands encompassing approximately 1600 hectares in the southern Murray-Darling Basin next financial year
The Southern Bell Frog Species
Murray Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund Product Assessment
Kilter Rural Balanced Water Fund Presentation
Investor Manager:
Palisade Impact
Bioenergy projects
Founded in:
Investing in Bioenergy with Delorean Coporation
Delorean is an Australian company developing and operating bioenergy infrastructure in Australia. Its revenue comes from transforming organic waste and agricultural residues into renewable electricity.
Delorean Corporation
Salisbury Bioenergy Plant, South Australia
The Impact
2 New Australian bioenergy projects to reduce waste to landfill and create clean energy
Job growth for Australians in a new sector
60,000 tonnes per annum of commercial/industrial waste +40,000 tonnes per annum of organic and agricultural waste per annum diverted from landfill
1.2MW baseload renewable electricity + 150 Terajoules per annum of renewable gas per annum created in the process
Stanhope Bioenergy Plant, Victoria
The Octopus Renewable Energy Opportunities Fund
Investor Manager:
Target Returns:
Founded in:
7.0% net IRR (post-annual management and performance fees, before tax)*
*Returns are net of investment fees and taxes. The benchmark is calculated by applying the asset allocation over the designated benchmark for the Investment Option. These returns are not a projection. Actual returns may differ and can be positive or negative. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
Investing in solar and wind farms with Octopus
With $23 billion of funds under management, Octopus is one of the largest owners of renewable energy projects in Australia and Europe, owning over 300 assets on behalf of wholesale and institutional investors. The Octopus Group owns 260 assets across Australia, representing a $5 billion wind, solar and storage development portfolio across the National Electricity Market.
Dulacca Wind Farm, QLD
The Impact
The Octopus Australia Master Trust (“OAMT”) has $246m total funds under management, generating 101,467MWh in renewable electricity.
55% of electricity output contracted for 11 years with Delta Energy.
Working with Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the two are spending $200m to develop cleantech in Gippsland.
At the Darling Point Solar Farm, 150 of the site jobs are held by women.
Gives back to the local community by refurbishing sporting facilities.
Darlington Point Solar Farm, NSW
The Bloom team closely monitors our portfolio to make sure we’re not supporting the bad stuff. Every quarter our investment committee and founders meet to review the portfolio rigorously and evaluate every asset against our investment positive and negative screens.
Renewable Energy
Clean Energy Projects
Conservation Work
You’ll never find any of the following in the Bloom Climate Impact Fund.
Fossil Fuels
Animal Export
Sancity of Life
Unsustinable agriculture